Export to Pyroleda F3/SQ3

FWsim is an easy-to-use fireworks visualization and show design software, helping you take your creativity to the next level. Start your free trial now.

System Overview

Export DMX Data no
Flamejets via electrical signals (multitrigger) no
Semiautomatic firing (sections) no

Please follow these steps:

  1. Create a new show or open an existing one.
  2. Under the “Export” tab on the right, select the Pyroleda system.
  3. Under the “Modules” tab, create enough modules for all cues. Per default, cues are connected to the nearest module. However, you can also associate modules with specific firing positions.
  4. Click Export -> Pyroleda and select a filename. FWsim will generate module and pin numbers automatically and create .shw and .csv files. FWsim will check the channel assignments for problems and report them. For example, the Pyroleda system requires that the channel numbers are ascending.
  5. You can now use those files on your system. The .shw file is for the Pyroleda F3 controller. The .csv files are for the SQ3 sequencer.