Fireworks Glossary

Here is an explanation of the most frequently used fireworks terms.

Term Explanation German Word
Ascent Effect Some shells eject sparks while they fly upwards. This is called an ascent effect. Aufstiegseffekt
Bengal Fire A very bright burning firework that sits on the ground and illuminates the environment for several minutes. Bengalisches Feuer
Bursting Charge A small amount of black powder that makes a shell explode. Zerlegerladung
Cake Several fireworks chained together in a ready-to-use package. Batterie (however: please note that in FWsim, ‘Battery’ is NOT a cake)
Catherine Wheel Fountains mounted on a rotating wheel. The fountains make the wheel rotate. Sonne
Comet A single bright star that shoots upwards. Comets are often arranged in steppers. Komet
Crackling Ejection of fast flying sparks, combined with a sharp noise.  
Crossette A star that splits into four sub-stars.  
Fountain A firework that sits on the ground and shoots sparks upwards. Fontäne
Lifting Charge A small amount of black powder that ejects a shell from the mortar. Treibladung, Ausstoßladung
Mine A firework that explodes directly on the ground and shoots stars upwards. Feuertopf
Palm A shell that ejects stars. Every star drags along a trail of sparks. Palme
Peony A shell that ejects just stars. Peonie
Roman Candle Roman Candles sit on the ground and fire stars over a longer duration. Small roman candles are a popular consumer fireworks item. Römisches Licht
Salut Shell A shell without any stars. It produces a bright flash and a loud noise. Salutbombe
Shell of Shells A shell that ejects smaller sub-shells when it explodes.  
Shell A round piece of firework that is launched from a mortar and explodes shortly after (learn more…) Bombe
Stepper Several shots that fire one after the other in a precisely timed manner.  
Tails A trail of sparks, ejected from a star. Schweif